Mandatory Disclosure Serving society in the realm of Education for the last 32 years A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. General Information B. DOCUMENTS & INFORMATION 1. Affiliation Certificate 2. Society Registration 3. NOC by State Government of Odisha 4. Recognition Certificate 5. Building Safety Certificate 6. Fire Safety 7. DEO Certificate 8. Water & Sanitation 9. Land Document C. RESULTS & ACADEMICS 1. Fee Strucuture of the School 2. Annual Academic Calendar 3. School Management Commitee 4. Parents Teacher Association 5. Class X Last 3 years Result 6. Student Enrollment D. STAFF TEACHING 1. Staff Teaching Details E. SCHOOL INFRASTRUCTURE 1. School Infrastructure Details F. BOOKS 1. Books List Pre Primary Nursery Ukg 2. Books List Primary Class 1 to 5 3. Books List Middle Class 6 to 8 4. Books List Secondary Class 9 to 10